It's 80% productivity, 20% personality.
Introduced by Patrick Lencioni in 2020, the 6 Types of Working Genius assessment has become a widely used productivity tool, with over 700,000 individuals worldwide completing it. With practical applications from improving team productivity, leading better meetings, and tapping into team members' strengths to increase employee engagement, this simple assessment tool gets results.
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About The 6 Types of Working Genius
The 6 types of Working Genius is a new model that helps people discover their natural gifts and thrive in their work and life. When people are able to better understand the types of work that bring them more energy and fulfillment and avoid work that leads to frustration and failure, they can be more self-aware, more productive and more successful.
Working Genius identifies the six fundamental activities that are required for any type of work and provides a simple framework for how work gets done. Too many people feel frustrated, underutilised or misunderstood at work. Far too many teams experience failure, feel stuck or are confused because they don't know how to tap into the people around them. Working Genius is changing the way people are thinking about their work and teams, and is leading to more dignified, fulfilled and successful work.

Why Working Genius?
Team Energy
Understand which types of work give your people joy and energy and which types are draining and difficult
More Effective Meetings
Improve dialogue and directives in team meetings
Get more done in less time as you maximise how your team members work collaboratively and to their strengths
Better sense of connection, joy & fulfillment
Leverage your team members' strengths to empower them excel in their roles
Avoid making unfair and inaccurate judgments about one another’s motivation
Discover Ways We Can Work with Your Team
Leverage Working Genius™ Workshops to

improve team morale as employees better understand their individual strengths and frustrations;
facilitate efficient teamwork by providing a shared language for better collaboration and strategising;
ensure the right team members are in the right places;
pinpoint the reasons behind any performance gaps, allowing for strategic adjustments;
maximise productivity and job satisfaction by focusing on the areas that energise your people.